Using Unit Testing Frameworks

Test from multiple unit testing frameworks can be run inside Scala IDE, using the JUnit 4 runners provided by the frameworks

Setting up JUnit 4

Inside Eclipse

To add JUnit to a project from inside Eclipse, right-click on the project in the package explorer view, select Build Path Add Libraries..., select JUnit, and then JUnit 4 in the next wizard page.

In sbt

To add JUnit in the sbt configuration, add the following dependency in the build.sbt file:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
   "junit" % "junit" % "4.8.1" % "test"

In maven

To add JUnit in the maven configuration, add the following dependency in the pom.xml file:


Using JUnit 4

To run a test suite using JUnit in Scala IDE, open the source file of the test, right-click in it, and select Run as JUnit Test.

You can re-run your test using the launch configuration which is automatically created. Check the Eclipse documentation for more details.


The ScalaTest framework provides a runner (org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner) allowing to use JUnit to run the test suites.

Adding this annotation makes a ScalaTest test suite runnable with JUnit4:


The test suite from the FunSuite example becomes the following when run in Scala IDE:



The Specs framework provides a runner (org.specs.runner.JUnitSuiteRunner) allowing to use JUnit to run the suites.

Adding this annotation makes a Specs suite runnable with JUnit4:


For Specs2, the annotation is the following:


The HelloWorldSpec example becomes the following when run in the Scala IDE:



JUnit test suites can be run directly in Scala IDE.
