The Scala IDE team is happy to announce a new preview release of the Play2 support plugin in Scala IDE for Eclipse!
In this release we focused on improving the route file support:
Check the wiki for details on all new features, or head over to the project documentation for all features.
The plugin is compatible with Play 2.1 applications, on Scala 2.10 and Java 1.5+. It should be installed on Scala IDE 3.0.0 for Scala 2.10, on both Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) and 4.2 (Juno).
It is available through the Scala IDE ecosystem sites, the same as the ones used to install Scala IDE 3.0.0.
Follow this guide for a step-by-step introduction to the development of Play2 application inside Scala IDE.
The plugin was tested on a limited range of Play2 application configurations. If it seems to be incompatible with your setup, or if you notice other problems, please open a ticket with the relevant information or contact us on the Scala IDE mailing list.
The initial work was done by Amir Shaikhha. The effort was continued by the Scala IDE team and additional contributors: Iulian Dragos, Luc Bourlier, Mirco Dotta, Alden Torres and Vincent Munier.