We have the great pleasure to give into your hands the latest Scala IDE with looking forward support of 2.6 Play version, compiled with on doubts Scala 2.12.2. Scala IDE Play2 plugin bases on Twirl Compiler in version 1.3.0. So now you can play with bleeding edge Play version. Enjoy!
Besides aforementioned areas we traditionally added a bunch of smaller fixes and enhancements into existing functionalities.
Finally as always, we are aware that Scala IDE still needs improvements, especially now, and we assure you that we are doing our best to deliver the most reliable and handy tool as possible, with your help as well. Have fun.
Play 2.6 support in Scala 2.12.2!
For the full list of all changes, see the changelog.
The following statistic contains the accumulated commits of the following repositories:
# https://github.com/scala-ide/scala-ide % git shortlog -sn --no-merges 4.6.0-vfinal..4.6.1-rc1 # https://github.com/scala-ide/scala-ide-play2 % git shortlog -sn --no-merges 0.9.0..0.10.0-4.6.1-rc1
Commits: 11 Wiesław Popielarski 2 Rafał Krzewski