Scala IDE 2.1 Special Edition for 2.10.0-M5

Jul 16 2012

Today we released another edition of the Scala IDE V2.1 for Eclipse, based on the latest milestone for the upcoming Scala 2.10! This release is a development snapshot from the upcoming 2.1 release of the IDE, having all the features in the M1 release.

With milestone 5 the Scala compiler enters the feature freeze phase of the 2.10.0 release. This is the best time to try out all the exciting upcoming features: reflection, the Java 6 backend, string interpolation, the new futures API, the new pattern matcher and macros. A full list of the new features is available on the Scala M5 Change Log

You can see the Release Notes for M1 to check the new features in the Scala IDE.

Install it now!

Follow this link and grab the update-site!

This special edition works with Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo). We developed and tested it using Java 6, but Java 7 can be used with some caveats.

We hope you will enjoy using it and, please, let us know what you think. This is the perfect time to help us with ideas and improvement suggestions, or just contribute them.
